
Bespoke coaching packages to help you thrive and not just survive through midlife and menopause.

Juliet’s clients and audiences include:

In midlife and around menopause it’s common to feel:

  • You aren’t really sure what you want but it isn’t this!
  • Your head is just one big jumble
  • You have lots of good intentions but can’t seem to stick at new habits
  • Exercise is harder than ever and you aren’t getting the same benefits from it
  • Frustrated by your unrecognisable and changing body
  • Your confidence and self-belief have drained away
  • Overwhelmed and constantly trying to keep your head above water
  • You aren’t actually sure who you are any more
  • Menopause symptoms are restricting you and making day to day life difficult
  • Disillusioned and miserable!

Feeling like this is so demoralising. You badly want to make changes, feel in control and on top of things but you’re jumping from one thing to the next and just not getting anywhere.

Don’t struggle through this challenging time of life alone. Asking for help is not a sign of failure, it shows strength and courage. One to one coaching with Juliet will help you to…

  • Feel positive and excited. This phase of life can be a wonderful opportunity where you step into your power and use your life experience to really get what you want. Instead of writing yourself off and shrinking your world because you’re ‘getting old’, you’ll be ready to expand your horizons and possibilities.
  • Be in control. Understand what’s going on in your body and know how to manage your menopause symptoms, it will make you feel empowered and confident. Every woman’s experience is different, you just need to find out what is right for you and that isn’t always easy on your own.
  • Prioritise yourself. You’ll no longer be at the bottom of your to-do list. You’ll be clear about what you want from each day and you’ll stop feeling guilty so you can enjoy the time you give to yourself. Live, love and laugh more than you ever have and be ready to try out all those things you’ve always wanted to do.
  • Connect with your body. Understand your body and get clarity over what it needs. Feel more in tune with it and you’ll feel confident in your choices. You’ll be able to set new exercise goals and challenges and enjoy your body instead of resenting it and fighting against it. Set yourself up for a healthy, happy and independent future.
Before coaching with Juliet I had lots of small issues which added together seemed confusing and I didn’t know what to change first. Juliet helped me sort things out and organise the different strands. She also helped me set relevant, achievable and motivating goals. Having a long term plan has helped me stop focusing on short term failures. If I get it wrong today it doesn’t matter, I can continue working towards my goal. I now have tools and strategies and can build healthy habits. I’m also much more aware of my self-criticism and tendency to judge myself based on what I think other people think of me.
Juliet has definitely made a positive difference to my life.
Emma C
Working with Juliet has been really impactful. As a mid-lifer navigating menopause, I had become stuck both mentally and physically, and wondered if I would ever feel fit and vital again. Juliet’s approach of addressing my life holistically, was a game-changer, and working with her I began to take small steps, creating new fitness and nutrition habits that have helped me regain my energy, supercharge my fitness and fit back into those clothes that had become too tight. I looked forward to each check-in, and found Juliet really understood my challenges, co-creating pragmatic and creative solutions with me, that helped me stick to the changes I wanted to make. Her expertise and support have empowered me to embrace this phase of life with newfound vitality and confidence. Highly recommend Juliet for anyone who wants to regain their energy for midlife and beyond!
Cathy M

Juliet’s signature coaching packages

  1. MY MENOPAUSE SOLUTIONS – This one month coaching package is perfect for you if you’re feeling frustrated by your menopause and aren’t sure what to do to help yourself. We’ll assess where you are, explore your options and create a personalised plan of action. We’ll have a follow up call too to see how you’re getting on and make adjustments if we need to. Book a free call to discuss if this package is a good fit for you. My Menopause Solutions includes:
    • 1 x 30 minute Good Fit call via Zoom (before sign up)
    • Menopause assessment questionnaire
    • 1 x 90 minute Zoom call
    • Your bespoke plan sent by email
    • 1 x 60 minute follow up Zoom call.
  2. MY MIDLIFE VIP PACKAGE – Rediscover yourself and feel excited about the future. If you’ve lost your sense of self, your identity and your zest for life, then let’s take a lot more time to explore your needs through this comprehensive, three to six month coaching package. This VIP package will give you the ongoing accountability and support you need to really reshape your midlife. In addition to regular calls you will have open-access to Juliet via email and WhatsApp along with shared documents and resources. Let’s reconnect with who you really are and what you really want. Book a free call to discuss if this package is a good fit for you. My Midlife VIP Package includes:
    • 1 x 30 minute Good Fit call via Zoom (before sign up)
    • 2 x 60 minute calls per month
    • Open access via email and WhatsApp for the duration of your package
    • Shared documents and resources.
  3. BESPOKE COACHING PACKAGES If the signature packages aren’t quite what you are looking for or you’re unsure what you need, then book a call and chat to Juliet. She can create a package that suits you. Use the Book a FREE call with Juliet button below.

*Please note that no medical advice will be given during any coaching calls. You will be asked to speak to your doctor regarding medical issues and prescriptions.

Why do I need a Coach?

You may not have thought about coaching before, especially as a solution for menopausal problems. We’re so conditioned into thinking that menopause is rubbish and we just have to put up with it. Similarly, we’re often told taking hormone replacement is all we need; HRT may be part of the solution but it doesn’t solve every issue. The menopause is all about change but change is hard! Coaching will help you to:

  • Know what to change
  • Set ideal goals
  • Stay on track with your changes
  • Turn changes into habits
  • Celebrate your successes
  • Make the most of these important years
  • Avoid going around in circles and not getting anywhere
  • See results from your hard work

Coaching is ideal if you’re feeling confused, alone or not sure what’s going on with you. You will have time to explore your feelings, in depth and find the right path for you. Getting the right support will make all the difference and transform your view of midlife.

Why choose Juliet as your Coach?

  • Former GP. Juliet worked as a doctor for 22 years and 16 of these as a GP. She has consulted with thousands of women and has a deep understanding of the human body. Women say they feel safe with Juliet.
  • Menopause interest. For years, Juliet has worked in the menopause space and provides expert input to national and global organisations on this topic.
  • Runner. Juliet loves to run and is a specialist and award winning author in the arena of health and exercise but particularly in running. If you’re an active, or want to be active, woman then Juliet understands!
  • Passion. Juliet is truly passionate about wanting to help women to lead happy and active lives. She’s seen so many women lose their way in midlife and menopause and wants to change that. She’s in midlife and perimenopause herself so she ‘gets it’! She can’t wait to help you rediscover your drive, ambition and put you on the path to a healthy future.