Course enrolments are open from:
Wednesday March 15th 7pm (UK time)
until Wednesday 29th March 2023 9pm (UK time).
Take control of your body and feel confident and positive about running through the perimenopause and beyond.

Running in the perimenopause can be difficult and frustrating. As your body changes, so does your running. It can be so demoralising that you might feel like quitting altogether. Arm yourself with the knowledge and confidence to keep enjoying your running despite everything that comes your way.
Who am I?

I’m Dr Juliet McGrattan, former GP, award-winning author, writer and speaker. I’m the Women’s Health Lead and a Master Coach at 261 Fearless, a global, non-profit, women’s running network 261 Fearless. I met hundreds of women struggling with the menopause during my 22 years as a doctor, 16 of those as a GP. I’ve been running for 14 years and leading women’s running groups for 10 years.
My first book, Sorted: The Active Woman’s Guide to Health published by Bloomsbury in 2017 was awarded first prize in Popular Medicine at the British Medical Association Book Awards. My second book Run Well: Essential health questions and answers for runners also published by Bloomsbury was an Amazon Best Seller.
I’ve been the resident Health Expert at Women’s Running magazine in the UK for 10 years and they recently published my Runner’s Guide to the Menopause as the lead feature. I’ve written for countless other health and running related websites and magazines and been a guest speaker at in-person and online events for international audiences.
I’m passionate about using running for good health and wellbeing I don’t want to keep all this experience to myself – let me help you!