The U.K is an ‘uncomfortable’ place to live at the moment with divisions forming in all areas of society. It’s hard to stay positive amongst the chaos and concern. Sport can divide but also has an amazing power to unite. (Let’s not mention the football!) When we turned up to running club the morning after the #Brexit result there was a brief discussion how everyone had voted but we quickly moved on to some crazy running games and for one wonderful hour we moved and laughed and escaped the woes of the world. That’s what I love about 261Fearless, the ability it has to bring women of all backgrounds and beliefs together to enjoy running.
I’m just back from a whistle stop trip to Des Moines in Iowa, USA, where I saw this power in action on a global scale. I was helping to lead a Train the Trainer course for women who want to start their own 261Fearless running clubs. Our new club leaders were from the USA and Brazil and my co-leader was Austrian. A truly international summit and a demonstration to me of the ability that this movement has to unite women all over the world.
Des Moines is hot in summer (and freezing in winter) and air-conditioned corridors called the Skywalk run between buildings from one side of town to the other so you don’t need to go outside. However, despite it being over 30 degrees every day, we managed to find a spot by the river where there was a slight breeze and a bit of shade. We started with running games to get to know one another – a sun breaker rather than an ice breaker! Throwing a ball to me whilst I run, next to a river and expecting me to catch it whilst also asking me to explain how I got into running is a VERY tall order!
With surprisingly dry tennis balls we moved to the classroom. Mixing practical sessions and theory over the course of three days, we prepared our leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to go away and start these very special women’s running groups. I present the section on Women and Running and get to share my medical knowledge to help future club leaders train women safely and make them aware of some of the barriers that women face on their running journeys. My co-leader Edith Zuschmann is an experienced coach and a fount of all knowledge when it comes to running technique. Through observation and drills she’s really helped me to improve how I run.
It’s intensive, there’s a lot to learn but we managed to sneak in a trip to the Downtown Des Moines Farmer’s Market for breakfast and a run round the sculpture park. I love the combination of running and tourism!
We had a special visitor as Kathrine Switzer joined us for the day. Her energy amazes me and there’s a buzz that appears in the room when she enters. Her desire to bring women together through 261Fearless and to reach the most disempowered is humbling.
There was time to chat and discuss how running fits into the communities from Des Moines to Sao Paolo. Time to make firm friendships and offer hospitality. Time to plan the future and look forward to the new clubs starting.
I left feeling energised and inspired by a wonderful group of women who all have the same desire; to make the world just that little bit better by helping women close to home and watching the ripples from that pebble thrown into the water, spread wider and wider.
Special thanks to Chris Burke from the IMT Des Moines Marathon for hosting us.
Images (except featured image) courtesy of Horst Von Bohlen photography.
Brexit is stressful to me and I live in the U.S., so I cannot even imagine all that is going on there! Running certainly is a universal bond .. how wonderful you were able to come together and put aside the politics.
Thanks Linda, I’m not afraid of change but it’s scary when the future is so uncertain. Isn’t running great!
A lovely summary of a fantastic event. Thanks for sharing! Wonderful to virtually “meet” you in Denver. Thank you for joining the 261 Fearless team and share with us all globally!
Skype just wasn’t the same but hopefully we can meet properly one day. What a fantastic community to be part of. #261Fearless
I was crying when I heard the news, especially as a EU national, married to a BRitish citizen, having two girls who were born in the Uk and live here and call it their home. I ahve lived here for nearly 12 years but never felt like I needed British citizenship, but a bit worried now. I was not allowed to vote, but you can probably guess what I would have voted for. I just hope that all the people who voted for “out” did not make a mistake, and that all will be fine with the UK as despite not being British it directly influences me.
Anyway, what a lovely trip for you, and well done for all you do for encouraging other to running!
I’m so sad for you Mirka, you must feel very worried. Uncertainty is horrible. Xx
I still cannot believe this is happening to the UK I honestly hope there is some sort of plan and things don’t end up as bad as we all fear they will!
I keep saying I would love to do something like this however I’m not a great runner and tend to go through phases where I like to run then just stop. I should really sign up for an event to give me the motivation/ #fitnesstuesdays
Thanks for reading Tracey. I really find I need an event to train for to keep me on track. It doesn’t have to be anything major but just something that gets me out on days when I might just flick the kettle on instead! #FitnessTuesday
Oh wow what an amazing trip – I love the running amid the sculpture park. You did right to get out of the country, Britain is a pretty dark place at the moment. #FitnessTuesday
A strange place to go on a first visit to the USA but really enjoyed it. Also love how running is so portable and a great way to explore. Thanks for reading J
This is one of the things I love about running, it brings people together. Let’s keep running and hoping that things will be better in the end. 🙂
Lovely trip, I like the idea of running games. Any other except the tennis ball one?
Thanks for reading Penny. Since I wrote this we’ve had an Austrian running club to visit for a weekend which demonstrated this ethos perfectly. Really amazing to see.
We also love a good game of ‘toilet tig’!!
Happy running 🙂