Have you noticed your exercise getting harder? Maybe you’re struggling with a lack of energy, aching joints or brain fog? If you’re a woman, this could be the peri-menopause. The average age of menopause in the UK is 51 but symptoms often start many years before, even in the late thirties or before that if your menopause is premature.
Whatever age you are, it’s a good idea to start thinking about what you can do to minimise the effects that the menopause can have on your body. Exercise is a really useful tool to help you weather the storm (a gentle breeze for some and a tornado for others). But exercise can also be hard with unscheduled or heavy bleeding, tender breasts and a drop in motivation and performance amongst many other symptoms.
My friend Tenille Hoogland, professional triathlete and IRONMAN champion has come to the rescue! She has created a FREE Masterclass series called Perimenopausal Athletes and Beyond. She’s gathered experts from around the world to tackle the challenges and create positive action plans for perimenopausal women. I’m delighted to be one of the experts invited to talk during the series.
You can listen to physiotherapists, doctors, expert coaches and more translate the latest science in mental and physical resilience and female physiology for you, so you can unlock your best performances in sport and in life. Here is some of what you will learn about:
- Hormone changes in perimenopause and beyond and how this can affect everything from how you schedule workouts to how you eat, sleep and recover
- Why and how to incorporate strength training to become a strong and resilient athlete
- How to fuel your body for training AND nourish your body to support hormone changes
- Breathing (yes breath work – it’s a thing!)
- How to use different recovery modalities – from physio to acupuncture- to prevent/manage injury
- How to manage training load and intensity as you age
- How your tendons and ligaments change as you approach menopause.
And so much more!
The series starts on April 12th and runs for 14 days. There’s a new class every day and each class is available for 24 hours. There’s a repeat airing on May 1st and 2nd too.
My class is on April 24th and I’m talking about the importance of muscles, why we need them, especially as we get older, how they make us healthier and tips for integrating strength work into your life to get them!
Come and join us! It’s FREE and there are some sneaky bonuses and competitions for participants too. I’m going to learn and listen to the other speakers alongside you. Let’s take action, join the conversation and empower ourselves through the perimenopause.
Sign up link: https://summit.perimenopauseathletesummit.com/DrJuliet

I am so excited to share this information to your readers! I loved our interview and can’t wait to hear peoples questions from it. Thanks for being part of such an incredible line-up of experts!
Thank you for inviting me to take part Tenille and for brining everyone together to talk about such an important topic. I’ve already had lots of interest from women saying they need it!