Isn’t it wonderful when you meet a kindred spirit? Someone else who is as passionate as you are about helping people to get active and live healthy lives.
I was honoured when Ahna Fulmer invited me onto her Imperfectly Empowered podcast to talk about my life and career. We were so busy chatting away that time got away with us and we made a date to record part 2!
Ahna is a former nurse practitioner turned author and owner of a healthy lifestyle blog called Hammers n Hugs. I love that she includes DIY, alongside fitness and nutrition, as a way to help empower women and encourage them to be active. She’s also a former competitive and now recreational runner. We have a lot in common – I’m happy to learn from her about the DIY!
Join us for part 1 of our chat where I share my journey and start to answer some of those runner’s questions. You can watch the video below, hop over to YouTube or if you’re out and about or you can’t look at your screen then you can listen to the audio podcast. Here’s a link to the show notes too.
Part 2 is out soon and I’ll share it with you soon.
Ahna clearly loved my book which made me feel happy and proud. I hope it might be helpful to you too. You can get Run Well: Essential health questions and answers for runners from all good book sellers.