This is number 15 in my Active Women series and there is no let up in the inspiration and motivation that I get from hearing the stories of these amazing women. I’d like to introduce Kerry Brown. I absolutely love the photo she sent me to go with her interview, this picture to me stands for excitement, freedom and a good bit of grit. Kerry first came to my attention in her stunning cover photo for Women’s Running magazine and I then followed her on Twitter and have been enjoying her posts and blog ever since. You can follow her too @ukrungirl and
When did you decide to start exercising regularly and why was that?
I’ve been exercising since a very young age. I’ve always been a bit of a tomboy and took part in predominantly ‘male’ sports. The first sport I took part in was football. I was the only girl on the team and the boys never used to pass to me. I was very good at athletics at school but at that time I hated running. I then took up basketball at 14 and played for women’s national league, and a local Portsmouth division in a mixed team. I gave up at about age 34 and started running when I was 38!
What activities have you tried and what’s your favourite?
I’m always one to give new things a go. I’ve recently tried surfing and stand up paddling and realised that I had a knack for them. I now have my own boards and try and get out on the water at the weekends.
What has been the biggest barrier you’ve had to overcome in your fitness journey?
Injuries!!!!! I am a forefoot runner and I find that my calves and Achilles really take a battering. The frustrating thing about this is that I have usually just got confident again with my pace and mileage and am then hit with an injury. During this time, I still stay involved by volunteering at my local parkrun and run club.
Have you had any negative comments and how have you dealt with them?
When I got into the London Marathon, my family couldn’t understand my excitement and why I wanted to do it. There were a lot of comments about my age from friends who asked when I would be slowing down. When I am physically unable to is my answer!
What goals have you set and have you reached any of them yet?
To run a marathon – which I achieved in April. When I joined the Fareham Crusaders in 2013, I vowed never to take part in any races. I now have two racks of medals and am so pleased with my achievements. My next mission is to take on the Lochness in Scotland. Oh and to run a half marathon – I’ve not actually done this yet!
What benefits has being active brought you?
I am much fitter and have more energy than my 17 year old nephew who doesn’t exercise! I have also found that the social aspects of being active and meeting people at classes at the gym and run club are absolutely amazing. In fact, I have made some friends for life.
What advice would you give to other women who want to start exercising?
Quite simply, “What are you waiting for?”
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