I’m really enjoying my blog this year, I hope you are too. I was planning ahead with a post featuring my book Sorted: The Active Woman’s Guide to Health published by Bloomsbury to tie in with Mother’s Day. Then it occurred to me that maybe you would like to win a copy to give to the mother in your life. Or maybe you are a mother, mother to be, or not a mother at all and want a little present for yourself! I’ve had some amazing bloggers such as Honest Mum, Fitness4Mamas, Lizzie Somerset and Our Mummy Life doing book give-away competitions but I was so caught up in the excitement that I haven’t done one on my own blog! Time to put that right. I’ve got two signed copies sitting here waiting to be won and I’ll make sure they’re with you before Mother’s Day!
Sorted is for all women, no matter what age, shape or fitness level. It looks at all the barriers that women face when trying to get and stay active. From periods to piles, menopause to motivation, fanny farts (yes really) to fatigue, there’s something in there for everyone. I’ve included information about medical issues, tips on what you can try and advice on when to see your doctor. There’s quotes and stories from women who have ‘been there’ too.
I’m overwhelmed by the comments and reviews I’ve had and that makes all the hard work worth it. And boy was it hard work! I still can’t believe I actually managed to do it! Here’s a couple of reviews left on Amazon – do go and leave me a review there if you’ve enjoyed the book – pretty please – it’s a BIG help to authors.
Thank you so much for all of your support. It means so much to me to help women overcome their barriers to exercise and I know that there are lots of women out there struggling who might just find a useful tip, or encouragement to seek help from reading Sorted.
To enter the competition:
All you have to do is click on this link to take you to a Rafflecopter giveaway
You get one entry for each of the options you enter. If you’re already following me on Twitter then just tick that box, there’s no need to unfollow and follow again.
Good luck everyone. I can’t wait to send a book to you.

What a great competition Juliet. I’d love to win a copy of your book 🙂
I’d love to win a copy of Sorted for me! Need to spend more time relaxing and reading is the best way to get me to sit still for longer than 5 minutes!
I never sit still either. I wrote a lot of this standing up!!
Good for you. Keep it for you, sounds like you deserve it. Fingers crossed the random selector picks you x
Fab competition Juliet! I’d give this to my sister – an athlete and mum of 2. She would love this.
Perfect – thank you for entering 🙂
I’d love to win it for myself – my running is sporadic and I would love the push to make it part of my weekly schedule.
Finding a way to make it regular and sustainable is always a challenge. Thanks for entering.
This is on my book wishlist. When I saw this competition to win a copy, I just had to enter.
Thank you for running such a wonderful competition.
Thank you for entering. Good luck!