Questions, health niggles, uncertainty; friends and family often ask me things about their health. They usually start with an apology, “Sorry, I know people must ask you things all the time but it’s just a quick question …” They often say they aren’t sure whether to bother their doctor, can’t find an answer online or want to know what they can try themselves to resolve the problem. It made me realise that there are so many conversations that I’ve had over the years that would be useful to share. I’m all for empowering people to look after themselves. So I’m starting a new question and answer series on my blog called, Just a Quick Question … I’ll be picking topics and giving some basic info and next steps advice to help you. From common, everyday things to questions that no one seems to know the answer to.
First one is going live soon and you can head to the Active Health – Just a Quick Question category to see the catalogue of questions as it grows …
When my book Sorted: The Active Woman’s Guide to Health was reviewed in the British Journal of General Practice the review said:
“Practical tips aplenty, encouraging self-help and a positive attitude … an excellent resource for all women”
There were so many topics I couldn’t fit into the book and health issues that obviously affect men too, so, let’s carry on with the practical tips and accessible advice here on the blog.
Let me know if there are topics you want me to cover.
I can’t give personal medical advice and as always with health advice, reading something online doesn’t replace seeing your doctor who knows your medical history and can assess you in person. So, if you are unsure then always seek the opinion of a health care professional.
Featured image: Gratisography