The Women In Sport North Conference
I was asked to sit on a panel for the Women In Sport North Conference. I knew this was going to be an amazing day and it certainly didn’t disappoint….
I was asked to sit on a panel for the Women In Sport North Conference. I knew this was going to be an amazing day and it certainly didn’t disappoint….
We’re all so busy. We try to cram as much as we can into every day. Our to-do lists are never ending. Work, family, life. It’s no wonder that one…
“Sarcopenia? What’s that? Never heard of it!” Sarcopenia may not be a medical term that you’re familiar with but you need to know about it. It happens to all of…
Today, 11th October is International Day of the Girl #IDG2017. I was honoured to be asked to sit on a panel at the Bloomsbury Institute last night to discuss the…
On 17th April 2017 a special moment in history will be made. Kathrine Switzer will line up on the Boston Marathon start line with a bib number pinned onto her…
I was really pleased to be asked to write a guest blog for Diary Doll. The award winning Diary Doll brand was created by TV presenter Carol Smillie and British…
There’s been lots of talk recently about how menstruation can affect an athlete’s performance. It’s not just the elite athletes who struggle. Many women find their lives are ruled by…
Working mums, a special bunch. They achieve so much, juggle so many balls but sometimes they forget to look after the most important person- themselves. As a GP I often…